This edition of Prison Service Journal, guest edited by Karen Harrison and Helen Johnston, brings together a range of articles by academics, practitioners and charitable organisations concerned with young people in custody.
In this edition:
- Editorial Comment – Young People in Custody, by Karen Harrison and Helen Johnston
- Reforming the Juvenile in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century England, by Heather Shore
- Child imprisonment: exploring ‘injustice by geography’, by Tim Bateman
- Needs or Deeds? Youth Justice in Finland and England and Wales, by John Pitts
- The Pains of Custody: Young men’s experiences of pre-prison custodial settings, by Helen Jones
- Young Prisoners and Their Mental Health: Reflections on Providing Therapy, by Joel Harvey
- Ethnicity, multiculture and racism in a Young Offenders’ Institution, by Rod Earle
- The Keppel Unit: The jewel in the crown of the juvenile secure estate?, by Karen Harrison and Terry Wilson
- Education for Young Offenders, by Elaine Cobb
- Young Offenders and the Arts: A review of three Inspiring Change arts projects at HMYOI Polmont, Scotland, by Kirstin Anderson, Fergus McNeill, Katie Overy and Lyn Tett
- Enough on their plate. Food in young offender institutions for 15-17 year old boys, by Jenny Chambers
- The Interview: John Drew, interviewed by Karen Harrison
Book review:
- Effective Practice in Youth Justice (Second Edition), by M. Stephenson, H. Giller and S Brown (reviewed by Louise Sturgeon-Adams)