Prison Service Journal: 207

The articles in this edition highlight that prisons around the world face a series of similar problems, including staff-prisoner relationships, the impact on families and the importing of social problems into the prison.

The articles also indicate that prisons are not insulated from wider international trends, not only economics, but also ideas and practices that can be termed as the political economy.

In this edition:

Book reviews:

  • Flying Blind : How the Justice System perpetuates crime and the Corrections Department fails to correct, by Roger Brooking (reviewed by Steve Hall)
  • The Sage Handbook of Punishment and Society, by Jonathan Simon and Richard Spark (Eds) (reviewed by Dr Karen Harrison)
  • Radical: My Journey from Islamist Extremism to a Democratic Awakening, by Maajid Nawaz (reviewed by Alison Liebling)
  • Professional and Therapeutic Boundaries in Forensic Mental Health Practice, by Anne Aiyegbusi and Gillian Kelly (reviewed by Michael Brookes)
  • The Therapeutic Community Under Fire, by John Adlam, Anne Aiyegbusi, Pam Kleinot, Anna Motz and Christopher Scanlon (Eds) (reviewed by Michael Brookes)
14 May 2013


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