This edition of Prison Service Journal, organised around the theme of breaking the cycle of reconviction, raises broader questions about occupational and organisational culture as well as the philosophy of punishment.
In this edition:
- Editorial comment
- ‘Difference’ and desistance in prison-based therapeutic communities, by Dr Alisa Stevens
- Responsibility without Blame: Therapy, Philosophy, Law, by Dr Hanna Pickard
- ‘Welcome to the Machine’: Poverty and Punishment in Austere Times, by Professor Joe Sim
- Relinquishing control? An exploration of the experiences of staff working in a Therapeutic Community prison, by Stacie Douglas and Dr Laura Caulfield
- Masculinity and Imprisonment for Public Protection, by Dr Jennifer Sloan
- Psychological and Cognitive benefits of Yoga among UK Prisoners, by Dr Amy Bilderbeck, Dr Miguel Farias and Dr Inti Brazil
- Does the Thinking Skills Programme have a positive effect on prison behaviour?, by Melanie Merola
- What Works in Offender Rehabilitation: An evidence-based approach to Assessment and Treatment, by Leam Craig, Louise Dixon and Theresa Gannon (Eds) (reviewed by Professor Michael Brookes OBE)
- Sport in Prison: Exploring the role of physical activity in correctional settings, by Rosie Meek (reviewed by Paul Crossey)
- Her Majesty’s Philosophers, by Alan Smith (reviewed by Chris Gunderson)
- Inter-war penal policy and crime in England: The Dartmoor convict prison riot, 1932, by Alyson Brown (reviewed by Dr Jamie Bennett)