This edition of Prison Service Journal, guest edited by Paul Crossey, take a look at the moral, cultural, societal and psychological implications of the opening, closing and operating of prisons.
In this edition:
- Editorial comment, by Paul Crossey
- Prison closures: Thinking about history and the changing prison estate, by Dr Helen Johnston
- Interview: Chantel King, interviewed by Monica Lloyd
- Interview: Tony Lunnon, interviewed by Chris Gunderson
- Interview: Prisoner A, interviewed by Vikki Levick
- Interview: Stephen Lake, interviewed by Martin Kettle
- Interview: Jo Wells, interviewed by Christopher Stacey
- Interview: Phil Copple, interviewed by Karen Harrison
- Interview: Jeremy Wright, interviewed by Sacha Darke
- Interview: Nick Coleman, interviewed by Tony Corcoran
- Interview: Prisoner B, interviewed by Michael Fiddler
- Interview: Tina Taylor, interviewed by William Payne
- Reflections on the downside of ‘the best job in the world’, by Dr Charles Elliott