This special edition, on the transformational potential of prison education, is both a celebration about possibilities, and a critique of current models.
In this edition:
- Editorial comment
- How education transforms: Evidence from the experience of Prisoners’ Education Trust on how education supports prisoner journeys, by Rod Clark
- Educational Partnerships Between Universities and Prisons: How Learning Together can be Individually, Socially and Institutionally Transformative, by Dr Ruth Armstrong and Dr Amy Ludlow
- Transformative dialogues: (Re)privileging the informal in prison education, by Jason Warr
- Connecting Prisons and Universities through Higher Education, by Dr Sacha Darke and Dr Andreas Aresti
- Philosophy in Prisons: Opening Minds and Broadening Perspectives through philosophical dialogue, by Kirstine Szifris
- Ticket to Re-entry: Understanding the journey of the Hardman Trust Award Winners, by Amy J. Barron
- An Evaluation of the Master Gardener Programme at HMP Rye Hill: A Horticultural Intervention with Substance Misusing Offenders, by Geraldine Brown, Elizabeth Bos, Geraldine Brady, Moya Kneafsey and Martin Glynn
- Rethinking ‘Rehabilitation’, by Shaun McMann
- The Dalai Lama, prisons, and prisons research: A call for trust, a ‘proper sense of fear’, dialogue, curiosity and love, by Professor Alison Liebling