I would build
Lauren White highlights the urgent need for well-funded refuges and specialist services and describes the…
A young man I used to work with in the prison system once asked me if I liked helping offenders.
Dr Bree Carlton asks whether penal reform is as obsolete as the prison.
Ejeris Dixon has outlined the potential role of 'transformative justice' in addressing violence and harm…
Sir Michael Marmot of University College London, writing in The Lancet, has made the case for putting tackli
Dr Marian Duggan, University of Kent, explores ways of preventing violence against women and girls
Dr Emma Bell, Senior Lecturer at the Université de Savoie, calls for a positive conception of liberty that…
Deborah Drake of the Open University and Neena Samota, writing on the
Rebecca Daddow of Nurture Development, argues in favour of building stronger communities rather than a bigger…